Saturday, May 9, 2009

getting high

I meant elevation.  I don't know what you were thinking.  

Dan warned me that after being here for about 2 weeks, I would get completely exhausted and become completely worthless.  Apparently,  I can become more worthless than I already am.  But I think I'm starting to find truth to Dan's words.  

This morning, we (Linde & I) did the Perimeter Ride with our overnight guests from last night.  This ride only takes about an hour.  I even picked out the horses that we were going to use.  And I even rode a horse that they warned me about.  

Apparently Foxy likes to buck sometimes.  Remember when I introduced you to Justin and said something about getting over my fears? This is a good step in the right direction.  Please don't tell my mother about the bucking horse.  

As you can see, I'm taking small steps towards becoming a full-on wrangler.  And I suppose at some point I have to become, well, the HEAD wrangler.  Barn Boss.  Barn Bitch, as Dan likes to say once in a while.  Whatever you prefer to call me, I need to fill those shoes. get me another step closer, they let me take out my very own group this afternoon.  Yep, all by myself.  And I got them both home in one piece.  Safely.  Without incident.  And Foxy didn't even buck once today.  Yay!

What does the day boil down to?  I caught and groomed 2 horses.  I didn't even saddle them.  I worked Foxy in the round pen for a bit.  Went on an hour long ride.  Worked with Momma Annie for about an hour.  Ate lunch.  Caught another horse.  Groomed and saddled him.  Went on another hour trail ride.  Unsaddled 3 horses.  Returned them to the paddock.

And crashed.  

I am worn out!  For the record, it's May 9.  9 days after I started working.  I think Dan might be on to something. 

 Wonderful photo taken by Rorex on the ride home from the 2008 World Series.  


  1. but you are crashed in the back of a car. i thought you were on a ranch riding around on horses. explain the car please.

  2. I don't have any pictures of me sleeping on a horse. And I didn't want to post without any pictures. :)

  3. All them words about hemoglobin and stuff?
    They're just a way to say you weren't tough;
    Forget them corpuscles
    And build up yer muscles
    You'll get over the fatigue soon enough.

    (From Uncle Harry, who ain't been in shape OR on a horse in thirty years!)

  4. First of all....who even KNOWS the word "corpuscles," let alone rhyme it with something! I'm starting to think you're going to need to make guest appearances on my blog, Unca Harry! :)

  5. Hey, where's my photo credit? If you're want to have this super-fancy, ultra-popular blog, you're going to have to start using some publishing etiquette, missy. :)

  6. Goodness, Rorex, you're so right! My apologies! I'll fix it immediately!
