Friday, April 10, 2009

Week. End.

The week has come to a close.  Unfortunately, I haven't told you half the things we did, but part of that was lack of time and part of it was lack of internet connection.  

We stayed with my parents in Atwood, KS, where I showed Jessica around town -- that took about 5 minutes for her to see everything.  I realized in college that campus was bigger than my hometown.

We headed to the High School to visit some of my old teachers...that's what happens when you're a TK (Teacher's Kid), all of your friends are teachers.  Well, it may also help that I babysat for most of them, too.  Oh!  speaking of babysitting.  I got to see one of my "little guys" who used to hug me around the waist.  I could now hug HIM around the waist.  My estimate is 6'4".  Dang kids.  Growing up so fast.  I feel old now.

We finally made it to our destination state!  Does it bother anyone else that the "colorful" Colorado sign is brown?  That has always bugged me for some reason.  Huh.  Oh well.  

On a completely random side-note, as I write this, my sister's cat is snoring away on the couch.  Is that normal?  I didn't know cats snored.  

This is a picture of our farm house in Limon, CO.  We stayed with my friends Bob & Janet in town, b/c well, the thermometer at the farm said 40 outside....and 50 inside.  And the heat comes from a small, wood-burning stove in the kitchen.  Downstairs.  The bedrooms are upstairs.  We only have a space heater up there.   Oh and the upstairs is haunted.  But only at night.  Trust me.  

Wednesday we headed into Denver for a shopping spree.  Oh and I did buy a new pair of jeans....$30.  Expensive for an unemployed person, but it evened out because I got 4 - $2 shirts...and "splurged" on a $7.50 shirt! :)  Yay for outlets!

We stayed with my Aunt Ruth and Uncle Jim in Ft. Collins that night...I'd like to say thanks for the "Pops Burgers" that I so rudely demanded.   
From there we headed up to the ranch on Thursday morning for breakfast, to unload my car, repack for the next 3 weeks, and a trail ride so Jessica could see what I'd be doing all summer.  I'm pretty pumped.  

And yes, I'm very well aware that I'm going to look back on this picture some day and say, "Those are the most ridiculous sunglasses ever."  Actually, I might look at that picture today and say that.  But they really do a good job of keeping the sun out of my eyes.  And I remembered to take them off for most other pictures.  And the teeny-boppers at the grocery store always compliment me on them.  So there.  Did I mention I feel old?  Ugh.  Just wait for this summer when I'm working with 19 year olds.

Last night we stayed with Tisha and made some "healthy" food again...and my body needed it.  I don't think it could handle any more fast food.  Bleck.  

At 4:30 this morning, I took Jessica to the airport and she is already back in Jax.  I'm pretty sure that Ryan is glad to have her back, but I think we had a pretty fantastic week, so thanks for sharing, Ryan!

1 comment:

  1. Leandra...where the heck did you find those glasses anyway?

    So, you say the house is haunted only at night...and you didn't have much heat? Hmmm...that sounds scary enough to me!

    I have news for you. Hit me at so I may capture your email addy. at home...too private for a blog!!
