Wednesday, April 15, 2009

...and his name is Fred

Monday, I fell in love.  His name is Fred.  This is Fred.  I love Fred.

Fred saw my camera and realized I was going to take a picture, so he turned his best side to me.  He didn't like his left side as well, I guess.

Fred's real name is Fred the Great.  Want to know why?  Ok, and just for the record, I, being the math nerd I am, did NOT come up with the "greater than" part.  It was Justin.  Before Fred even got out of the trailer.  Before I even had a glimpse of Fred.

That's Fred's butt.  And that's the brand on his butt.  And it says "F >".  Hence, Fred the Great.  I puh-ROM-ise you, I did not come up with the "greater than" part.  

Ok, so maybe Fred the Great isn't exactly his real name, but that's the "real" name we gave him.  Justin said  his papers (proof of his bloodlines, which makes him worth more) say Doc Bar Son, which means he's got some pretty good bloodlines.  And usually, when you have good bloodlines, you like to name your horse along those lines.  For instance, Doc Bar is the son of Lightning Bar who was the son of Three Bars.  Get it?  So, Fred should really be something like Bar Hopper or Bar Keep or Doc Holliday or Doc Seuss.  You know, make something up.  But I just really, really like to call him Fred.  It makes him seem more like a good ole boy, instead of some fancy, schmancy horse, especially when you draw it out, like "Fraay-id".  

In case you're ever looking for Fred and you think, "Dadgumit, all those vermits look alike."  Here's how you can find Fred.  First, find all the reddish brown horses -- we call that sorrel.  You probably only weeded out a couple of horses, because seems like most of them are sorrel.  Next, look for the white stripe running from his forehead to his nose -- we call that a blaze.  Then, you'll notice below, that Fred has two white socks (looks like they could use some laundering) on his right side.  And of course, he has the "F >" branded on his left butt. 


And that's Fred!

Oh and please, if you're going to take a picture, make sure you get the right side of his face.  He really prefers it. Ok?  

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