Monday, June 28, 2010

elkhorn falls

I have to apologize right away, as I had to do with last week's guests.  The pleasant surprise did not come through.  It will though!  I puh-ROM-ise you!  And when it does you will definitely know about it.

And since I couldn't blog about that.  I just took a bunch of pictures from our long ride to Elkhorn Falls (Remember this? If you don't, it's worth reading.  It's probably the the climax of this blog.)  I just want you to know I made the trip successfully this time and got home on time to boot!  

Things are still really green here, since it hasn't gotten hot enough to dry everything out.  And this meadow was just beautiful on a June day.

This is Shy Girl, our cook's wife, riding Wynona, who didn't want to stand still for her picture.  

These are some wild columbines, the state flower of Colorado, in a shady spot with just a hint of sun peeking through.

And alas, Elkhorn Falls, which actually sounded and looked like a real waterfall this year.  Last year, I didn't go until later in the season and I thought they should have named it Elkhorn TRICKLE!

It's quite the peaceful place, where one can take a nap after a long ride.

And strip off all their cowboy (or girl) apparel.

Give their feet a good, cold, and I do mean snow-melt cold, soak.

Or just gaze out upon the falls.

I'd like to thank my guest Dawn for being so picturesque that day!  And I hope you all enjoyed the trip to Elkhorn Falls!

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