Remember this little thing?
Her name is Selene.
Remember Selene?
If you don't, please click here or this story will not make any sense at all.

Selene is the one looking at us. They were cute no doubt. And at some point, Selene either took a liking or hating to me, I'm still not sure which. Here she was helping make my bathroom shelves.
And this is her on my front step. Protecting my room? Or waiting to break in?
While she was cute...
...her true colors came out. And I declared the end of our friendship.
Then the bear took her away.
And brought her back.
The last thing I blogged about her, we were friends again. But that changed.
When I got back to the ranch this April, guests and new staff were telling me that they had bruises from her head butting them.
She started this last year, but wasn't so aggressive.
And I saw guest after guest standing inside a door looking out the window waiting for her to leave so they could exit the building. Not to mention that she terrorized JackJack, the ranch dog.
Once I brought it to Dan's attention that she was attacking, bruising, and adversely affecting his paying guests - oh and she knocked over his toddling granddaughter on several occasions, which didn't go over well with Ellen, either - he finally agreed that she needed to go.
He posted some pictures of her on Craigslist, told the honest truth about her (she poops on the porch, she terrorizes dogs, she headbutts teenage boys in their pride, pees in beds, etc.) and still had at least 6 people interested before Craigslist pulled his ad.
Now this takes me on a tangent for a moment. The only thing we can figure is that they didn't like that he said, "Take this goat before my wife changes her name to Stew." So here's my question: how can you post for a random sexual hook-up on Craigslist, but not post the truth about an awful goat?
Alright, I'm over that.
The point is, somebody wanted that goat even knowing all of her bad aspects. So, she is living (or stew, not sure which) elsewhere and will no longer be peeing in beds, pooping on porches, or terrorizing guests at this ranch.
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