Friday, November 12, 2010

the three big...


Remember, I told you that at some point, the pigs would be dinner?  Well, it's that time.  And the life expectancy of a pig for eating (not potbelly pigs), is just not that long.

But it's ok, because while they used to be really stinkin' cute.  They got big.

 And then they were only cute, not really stinkin' cute.

 Miss Piggy was getting biiiiig and Sally continued to be a runt, but we couldn't help that.

She worked what her momma gave her.

Since Brutus and Miss Piggy were big, it was time to go...or so we thought.

When we got to the meat processors', we saw this lil lady.  I wish there was a way to show scale here.  This pig was probably close to 5 or 6 feet long and about 900 pounds.  That, of course, is good for sausage, but not a whole lot more.  It's just too big.

Pigs are supposed to be 225 to 250 pounds when you take them in.  We figured they were close, but it turns out Brutus was the biggest at 190 pounds and as the lady at the butcher's said, "it just goes down from there."  I think they were making fun of us for being rookies.

 It was fun having them and while I knew it from the start, I'm still sad to see them go.

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