Saturday, October 10, 2009


Well, here we go again. It's how I started my time here and it looks like it will be how I will finish my time here.

This is what I saw when I opened my door this morning.

And this is what I had to go through just to use the toilet. I blazed that trail.

I think this post is making up for all the writing and lack of pictures you had to go through.

I had to help Nate feed this morning.

And this is my view looking down. The snow was up to my knees.

We had to plow because we didn't know when it would stop snowing or who would need to get in or out.

Oh yeah, and this is all before 7:30 am.

At least it's pretty serene at that hour of the day. Especially up here.

It seriously looked like a painting out there.

And if my feet were warm, I would have loved the whole thing!


  1. Elizabeth Ann Pritchett StropOctober 11, 2009 at 4:58 PM

    Thanks so much that was so beautiful! The sun was beautiful here today!Was chilly! Hope you stay warm:0) Ann Strop

  2. On October the 'leventh, me and yer cousin, Rebecca, went to the baseball game. Unfortunately, them Rockies were as cold as our collective toes (all fifteen of 'em), and they lost the game in spite of our efforts to save them (us and the other 49,998 fans).

    And I believe that the beautifulness of that white stuff decreases in inverse proportion to the amount of it you've shoveled in your lifetime. I liked the picture of the French girl washing the goat's butt better . . . .(JUST KID-DING!!!).

    Uncle Harry

  3. Take it with a graina salt, Unca Harry. Them's from Flor-ee-da and Tinnasee. And I got ta think it was purty cuz I had me a tractor ta do the shovelin'.

    Nice work on the pun! :)
