Monday, May 31, 2010

ten year reunion

I know this is incredibly hard to believe, but I just had my ten-year high school reunion.  Yes, I know, I know.  The wrinkle cream is working wonders.  We can talk about that later.  

Now, some of my ranch co-workers wondered why I would bother to go back to my ten-year high school reunion and for those of you who graduated in a class of 500, I hear ya.  I'm pretty sure you have your 5 good friends you still keep in touch with and the 494 don't really matter.  I couldn't agree more.

However, I graduated in a class of 32 - plus 4 who didn't graduate.  I went to school with these guys since 1st grade (I went to kindergarten in Colorado.), so it's like having 35 brothers and sisters who I haven't seen in the past 10 years.  Or maybe only 5 depending on if they were at the last reunion. 

Of the people I DO still keep in regular contact with (by regular, I mean 2 to 3 times a year...I'm terrible at keeping in touch!) this is my best friend from high school, Erin.  Our third amigo was off selling cows to the Russians.  Who could be bothered with a reunion when that's on your plate?

Believe it or not, Erin actually lives in Florida.  And even though we were only two hours away, we only saw each other twice in the 3 years we were both there.  See?  Told you.  Bad at keeping in touch.

Erin had another big reason to come back for the reunion.  Her mom is retiring after 33(?) years of teaching.  And moving to Florida.

Why you ask?

Because of this little guy.  Erin's, 13-month old son, Jude.  And I have to tell you, there were a lot of these little guys running around.  But, as fate would have it, my camera failed to take pictures by itself over the course of the weekend.

However, I did manage to remember it at the dance following the banquet.  So here is a little peak of the people who either don't have kids or were able to pawn them off on the grandparents.

Jessica was kind enough to host a get-together for us on Friday night at her dad's house.  Of course, I have no pictures of that... (I suh-wear! Cameras these days!)  And Jeff is our class president, which means he's stuck making a speech at the alumni banquet every 5 years for the rest of his life.  I'm really glad he beat me for class president our senior year, I just gotta say.

Luke, in the middle, hosted the party at his house on Saturday afternoon, after pictures, which I missed.  Why?  Because I'm always late.  Luke and his wife didn't have to pawn off their kids because she's still growing it (that's a lemonade in her hand!), but you couldn't visually tell yet.  And Matt was taking this self-portrait.  Guess he thought his would be better than mine...

Rex was taking advantage of the evening's situation by dancing with two girls at once.

And you can see Janelle and Lacy better here.  I guess he's not quite sure what to do with them when they start dancing on their own...

Finally, I just want you to understand that this is the effect Orrin has always had on me.
Some things just never change.  He scares me.  You can understand, right?

Anyhow, for those of you who came to either Jessica's or Luke's party and I didn't get a picture of you.  I apologize.  I will scold my camera harshly for not doing its job.

All I can say is that I really hope my wrinkle cream continues to work!


  1. Orrin has that effect on most people. I only pass unscathed through the constant dosage creating immunity.

  2. I am so glad you are back blogging again
