Sunday, March 28, 2010

a week in the life

I was asked how often I thought I'd be blogging again. My answer? I'd like to say every day, but based on past experience, that probably won't happen. Apparently, once a WEEK is more likely!

Let me give you a little glimpse into how my life runs right now, so you'll understand why I have TOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNS of time and then notime.

My last blog was on Monday. Don't ask me what I did on Tuesday, because I don't honestly know. I think I was a bum. It was snowing. I couldn't be bothered to blog, for goodness sake! Ok, so maybe the reason I couldn't blog was this: I had been looking forward to a FREE Ben & Jerry's ice cream cone for about two weeks. And then! on the FREE cone day...IT SNOWS!!!! How can a person blog after such disappointment?!?!

But at least I thought about blogging. See?

I took pictures of our yard horses (and by "our," I mean, Dow's) in the snow.

And Bella* after romping in the snow.

But alas, I did not blog.

Now, Wednesday was the beginning of the mayhem. It started out in a nice, peaceful way. Wednesday is my grocery list/shopping day because Sunflower Farmers Market's weekly specials overlap on that day. It's a pretty sweet deal.

I started making Sweet Challah, pictured here.
And if you knew how AWFUL I was at making bread, you would understand why I took a picture of it. Anyhow, while it rose, I made my shopping list (the menu was already set, fortunately).

But I got called into town to do some extra work early and when you're in my position, you can't turn it down. What extra work was this, you ask? You'll probably never guess.

I did a voice-over for a REMAX answering service. Crazy what you can find on the ole Craigslist, huh? The beauty of this, though, is that if I go get a headset and download Audacity, I can do this from home going forward.

After finishing up there, I raced through Sunflower, met Mad Monster to hit the Bud Light scene, and had patrons fill out their Sweet 16 brackets. From there, I shopped the regular supermarket to pick up non-produce items and finally arrived home around 11 pm.

Thursday was then spent cooking a few meals for Food Guy, which will hopefully start to become a part of this blog. Dow returned home that evening from a 3 day meeting, so I spent some quality time with him before heading out to play some late night Bud Light Quarters. Yes, I get paid to play Quarters. Ok, so maybe not to play it, but to get other people to play it.

Friday, I made a few more meals for Food Guy before heading in to tell people how absolutely wonderful New Amsterdam Gin is. And I tell you what, I actually had this gin before I was asked to promote is REALLY good! I'm just saying.

Here are a couple of my favorite faces of New Amsterdam Gin.
Pretty diverse crew, huh?

Now, if I have learned anything about promotions, it's that they are generally last minute and disorganized (Bud Light being the exception, for the most part). Due to the truth in this generality, my Saturday was booked! I had received the Axe packet for a girl who was doing a promotion in Greeley, so on the way to my promotion, I had to drop it off to her...and drop off my food to the Food Guy. And don't forget, I still had one more meal to finish on Saturday morning! Oh yeah, did I mention that my promotion was an hour and a half away? That's the beauty of living in the middle of nowhere!

Needless to say, cooking one more meal, driving, meeting the other Axe girl, dropping off food, spending 6 hours hawking Axe, and then driving home an hour and a half, there was, again, no time to blog.

This brings us to today! As of 9:30 this morning, I am tutoring an orthopedic massage therapist, J, in College Algebra. I'm pretty excited about the prospect of doing a little trade! From there, back to spritz Dove body spray on all the women of the Firestone King Soopers. And, *sigh*, finally home. Phew!

I do hope, after reading all of this, you understand why I haven't kept up. But I do have a few things in mind and I don't have much going on in the next week, so keep checking in and thanks for stopping by!!!

*Bella's real name has been used. Please do not exploit her on the internet.


  1. When do we get to meet and see Dow? Is Dow his real name, and how did you find him?

  2. Can you find me a nice roommate on Craigslist..I'm nervous, but you seem to be a pro! ;)
